October 23
9:30 am
Coffee Chat
October 23
12:00 pm
The Interplay Between Mechanics and Chemistry in “Living” Polymers
October 23
2:00 pm
Visualization with VisIt
October 23
4:00 pm
Characterization of Zeolite-based Catalysts for Catalytic Upcycling by Use of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
October 23
4:30 pm
Using Large Language Models in Your Research: Fine-Tuning, Embeddings, and Using APIs
October 24
4:00 pm
Illustrator Hackathon
October 24
4:30 pm
Molecular Simulation Software and Pizza
October 24
4:30 pm
Advanced LaTeX Workshop
October 25
8:30 am
Mindful Meditation
October 25
9:00 am
Tech Policy: The Next Ten Years