Below you will find resources to help you secure funding for research, scholarly interaction, and community-building activities. This includes guidance to obtain federal research funding as well as internal funding sources.
Federal Research Funding Guides
Princeton Engineering offers principal investigators numerous resources to improve your success and effectiveness in obtaining external funding.
Innovation Grants
The School of Engineering and Applied Science offers numerous Innovation Research Grants to faculty for cutting-edge research in areas such as general engineering, health, environment, neuroscience, and data science.
Seed Grants
Seed grants provide a faculty member, or a group of faculty members, with needed financial relief (e.g. summer support) to plan for and write a large, multidisciplinary center proposal or to develop collaboration with industry.
William Pierson Field Fund for Visiting Lecturers
With the generous support of the William Pierson Field Fund, approved visiting lecturers will enrich our academic environment by delivering lectures and participating in interactive sessions with students
Travel Funds
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) has a limited number of travel grants (up to $500/grant) available for enrolled SEAS graduate students who are: presenting a technical paper or poster at a professional society conference; attending a conference for educational purposes; or traveling for a research-related activity.
Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
Seed funding is available for community-organized events or initiatives aimed at enhancing inclusion and broadening diversity among our community. Faculty, students, researchers, and staff are welcome to apply for support.