The School of Engineering and Applied Science gives junior faculty awards annually to recognize assistant professors for their early-career excellence in research and teaching.
SEAS offers three junior faculty awards; each award includes a financial component of $50,000:
E. Lawrence Keyes, Jr./Emerson Electric Co. Faculty Advancement Award
Established “to promote the recruitment and retention of junior faculty members in the School of Engineering and Applied Science by providing annual awards in support of research and teaching.” Clarity in exposition is also an important criterion.
Howard B. Wentz Award
Established “to attract and retain the most talented junior faculty members in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.”
Rheinstein Award
Established “to provide special grants to junior faculty in the School of Engineering who have shown exceptional promise, to assist said faculty to further their work in their chosen fields.”
• Department chairs from CBE, CEE, ECE, MAE, and ORFE can nominate one faculty member for a Junior Faculty Award.
• The COS department chair can nominate two faculty members for a junior faculty award – given that the number of eligible junior faculty in COS is more than double compared to other engineering departments.
• Please nominate faculty members who have not been a previous recipient of these awards.
• Please keep nomination materials for each candidate within a two-page limit.
Nominations are due in April each year and discussed during the chairs-only meeting of the Dean’s Executive Council. The award recipient is recognized at the SEAS spring faculty meeting, usually held in May.