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Prateek Mittal named ACM distinguished member

Andrea Goldsmith receives three honors for seminal contributions to wireless technology

Two professors, four alumni elected to National Academy of Engineering

Register named inaugural Distinguished Faculty Service Award recipient

Adji Bousso Dieng recognized by The Africa Report

Kaushik Sengupta named IEEE fellow

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Rapid Bayesian Computation and Estimation for Neural Networks via Log-concave Coupling
Exciting Games and the Specific Relative Entropy
Reflections on the Impact of Design Research in Society
Exquisite Energetics of the Ultrafast: An Interdisciplinary Nexus of Discovery
Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Pathways to Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals: Insights into Reaction Kinetics from Optical Spectroscopy
The Era of Autonomy in Space Exploration – It’s Finally Here!

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