The Princeton Quantum Initiative brings together a vibrant community of faculty and students across engineering and the natural sciences who work on a wide range of topics in quantum information science.

Saien Xie wins 2024 Packard Fellowship

Since 2008, innovation funds have fostered research in AI fairness, sustainable agriculture, drug discovery and more

Princeton introduces a Ph.D. program at intersection of quantum physics and information theory

Illuminating errors creates a new paradigm for quantum computing

Princeton expands its commitment to research and education in quantum science and engineering

A new route to a quantum internet

Ravindra Bhatt
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Nathalie de Leon
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Adji Bousso Dieng
Computer Science

Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Andrew Houck
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Kyle Jamieson
Computer Science

Alex Lombardi
Computer Science

Stephen Lyon
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Margaret Martonosi
Computer Science

Julia Mikhailova
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Ran Raz
Computer Science

Alejandro Rodriguez
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mansour Shayegan
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jeffrey Thompson
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hakan Tureci
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Saien Xie
Electrical and Computer Engineering