Degree Requirements
The B.S.E. degree requires the completion of 36 courses over eight semesters. These include basic math, science, and computing requirements; the University writing seminar; humanities and social science electives; departmental core courses; departmental electives; departmental independent work or senior thesis; and free electives. In the B.S.E. degree program, independent work and senior theses count toward the total of 36 courses.
For information on departmental requirements and independent work, please see the undergraduate pages of the individual engineering department websites.
Basic Math and Science Courses
The six engineering departments share a common foundation of study in math, physics, and chemistry.
This includes four semesters of mathematics, defined as:
- 103 Calculus
- 104 Calculus
- 201 Multivariable Calculus, 203 Advanced Multivariable Calculus, 218 Analysis in Several Variables, or equivalent
- 202 Linear Algebra with Applications, 204 Advanced Linear Algebra with Applications, or 217 Honors Linear Algebra, or equivalent
Information about placement in mathematics is available from the Department of Mathematics.
Two semesters of physics, defined as:
- 103 General Physics, 105 Advanced Physics, or equivalent
- 104 General Physics or 106 Advanced Physics, or equivalent
Information about physics courses is available from the Department of Physics.
One semester of chemistry, defined as:
- 207 General Chemistry: Applications in Modern Technology, or 201 General Chemistry, or equivalent
Information about chemistry courses is available from the Department of Chemistry.
One semester of computing and programming, satisfied by:
- COS 126, Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach, or ECE115, Introduction to Computing: Programming Autonomous Vehicles
The School of Engineering and Applied Science offers a series of new courses that are alternatives to traditional first-year math and physics courses. EGR 151 is entitled “Foundations of Engineering: Mechanics, Energy, and Waves” and is an alternative to Physics 103. EGR 152, “Foundations of Engineering, the Mathematics of Shape and Motion” can be substituted for Math 104. The goal of these courses is to teach fundamental principles in physics and calculus within the framework of developing engineering solutions to modern technological challenges. These courses are appropriate for students without advanced placement in physics and with placement in math below the level of multivariable calculus.
University Writing Seminar
All Princeton undergraduates are required to take a writing seminar in either the fall or spring of freshman year to fulfill the University writing requirement. The writing requirement may not be fulfilled by advanced placement credit.
Humanities and Social Science Courses
All students in the B.S.E. program must complete at least seven courses in the humanities and social sciences during their eight terms of study. Humanities and social science courses are defined as courses that fulfill the following University distribution areas: Culture and Difference (CD) Epistemology and Cognition (EC); Ethical Thought and Moral Values (EM); Historical Analysis (HA); Literature and the Arts (LA); and Social Analysis (SA).
Although there is no foreign language requirement for B.S.E. students, intermediate-level language courses (numbered 107 and 108 in the Romance languages, 105 and 107 in all others) and higher may also count towards the seven H/SS courses.
B.S.E. students must distribute four of their seven courses across the areas listed above (CD, EC, EM, HA, LA, SA) or foreign language at the 107/108 level or higher. The remaining three or more courses may be chosen from any area.
For more requirement details click here