General Safety
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is special gear used to protect the wearer from specific hazards. PPE includes gloves, eye protection, and protective clothing. The need for PPE depends on the type of work and the nature and quantity of the materials in use. Workers who use PPE must understand when and how to use it and the limitations of their PPE. See your supervisor for specific PPE requirements and where to get PPE.
For more information on PPE, visit the EHS Website.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral. Because of its resistance to fire and its insulating properties, it was used in a variety of building materials. Only when asbestos becomes damaged is there a possibility of exposure (for example, torn or missing coverings on pipe insulation). Under no circumstances should any University employee disturb asbestos‐containing materials. If any employee notices damaged material that may contain asbestos, they should inform their supervisor and EHS.
For more information on asbestos management at Princeton University, visit the EHS Website.
Hazard Communication
All University employees have the right to know about the identity and hazards of the workplace, and how to handle them safely. Each department provides chemical information by labeling containers, providing Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and providing training.
Labels – Labels have certain information such as the chemical name, hazard warnings and the manufacturer’s name and address. Labels may not be removed or defaced. If the product is being transferred from one container to another, the new container must be labeled.
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) – Safety Data Sheets contain specific chemical information about each chemical. Departments maintain SDSs for each hazardous material in the workplace and they are available to employees during work hours. See your supervisor for SDSs.
For more information on hazard communication, SDSs and chemical safety, visit the EHS website.
Your position within SEAS may require additional, job-specific training. For example, if you work in a laboratory you are required to take Laboratory Safety training. If you work with lasers you are required to take Laser Safety training. Your supervisor will provide a list of required training.
Those who will not enter research laboratories and short-term visitors to Princeton research laboratories, should read the What You Should Know About Safety at Princeton University Pamphlet. After reading the Pamphlet, they should:
Complete and sign page 2 of the pamphlet.
Scan and email the signed document to
Copies of the signed documents will be retained by Environmental Health and Safety.