William R. Kenan, Jr. Visiting Professorship for Distinguished Teaching

Academic Year 2024-25

Call for Nominations and Applications

Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Science invites nominations for the William R. Kenan, Jr. Visiting Professorship for Distinguished Teaching for appointments for the academic year 2024-25.

These visiting professorships are part of the University’s Presidential Teaching Initiatives. The visitors will be outstanding teacher-scholars, selected for their demonstrated excellence in teaching and their capacity to bring new ideas in undergraduate teaching to Princeton’s campus. We are particularly interested in nominees who will introduce new courses and other pedagogic innovations. Ten-month positions bring a full salary based on the visitor’s experience and home salary, and a fund of $5,000 to support the visitor’s teaching-related activities.

Successful candidates must demonstrate an established record of teaching excellence. Applicants should normally hold a tenured position in their home institution; the professorship is not intended for early-career faculty and we do not generally consider applicants who have taught less than five years.

Candidates who have received teaching awards and who have been innovative in the classroom through their use of technology are of particular interest. International applicants with a demonstrable record of distinguished teaching are encouraged to apply.

Visiting professors normally teach at least one undergraduate course over the course of an academic year and undertake activities that contribute to the life of the University by focusing on the art and craft of teaching well. Possible projects include events for faculty and graduate students that aim at improving teaching at Princeton, particularly through the use of new technologies, seminars, workshops, demonstration lectures, lunch discussions, or classroom visits. The visitors also enjoy access to a wide range of resources across the University.


The School of Engineering and Applied Science encourages department chairs, deans, and colleagues to nominate candidates for consideration. Please submit nominations to Antoine Kahn, Vice Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, at seasresearch@princeton.edu, by January 5, 2024. Nominations should include:

  • Candidate’s CV
  • Statement of how the candidate proposes to spend the visiting year
  • Letter of endorsement from the host department’s chair
  • Three letters of reference commenting on the nominee’s qualifications on scholarship with specific emphasis on teaching

The appointment committee will consider applicants on the basis of the quality of their teaching ability and scholarship, and their track record of new course innovations and innovative teaching methods that can bring new dimensions to Princeton’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.

William R. Kenan, Jr. Visiting Professorship for Distinguished Teaching

Professor Chris Rogers, Tufts University (MAE)

Professor Eric Denardo, Yale University (ORFE)

Professor James A. Smith, University of Virginia (CEE)

Professor Edward Coyle, Georgia Tech (ELE)
Professor Richard DeVeaux, Williams College (ORFE)

Professor Umesh Vazirani, University of California-Berkeley (CS)

Fall 2009
Professor James Grotberg, University of Michigan (MAE)

Professor Jacob Khurgin, Johns Hopkins University (ELE)

Professor Christopher Clark, California Polytechnic State University (CS)

Professor Daniel Giammar, Washington University (CEE)
Professor Faith Morrison, Michigan Technological University (CBE)

Professor William George, Imperial College (MAE)
Professor Deborah Nolan, University of California-Berkeley (ORFE)

Professor Ignacio Paya-Zaforteza, Universitat Politècnica de València (CEE)

Professor Eden Fisher, Carnegie Mellon University (CEE)

Professor Roseanne Ford, University of Virginia (CBE)
Professor Luis Gonzalez, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (MAE)

Professor Nancy Lape, Harvey Mudd College (CBE)

Professor Dominik Weiss, Imperial College, London (CEE)

Professor Harry van den Akker, University of Limerick, Ireland (CBE)

Professor Francesco Grasso, Conservatorie National des Arts et Métiers (MAE)
Professor Tirza Routtenberg, Ben Gurion University (ECE)
Professor Shimon Schocken, IDC Herzliya (COS)

Professor William Arnold, University of Minnesota (CEE)
Professor Stefano Gonella, University of Minnesota (CEE)
Professor Tad Hirsch, Northeastern University (Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education)
Professor Rotem Oshman, Tel Aviv University (COS)