The Dean’s Office in the School of Engineering and Applied Science offers honorific awards for advanced graduate students who have performed at the highest level as scholars and researchers.
The School of Engineering and Applied Science Awards for Excellence honor students with a one-time $2,000 supplement to their regular academic year support. The School of Engineering issues 16 of these awards in total each year, divided up among the departments based on graduate student enrollment.
- Advanced doctoral students, who are entering their 4th year of study or beyond.
- Consider students who have excelled in courses, research, and teaching during their time at Princeton.
- Consider students who have not already received internal or external fellowships; however, the value of the prize is the same for all recipients and is not reduced if the recipient holds another prize or honorific fellowship.
- Nominations must be submitted by the Department Chair.
An announcement typically goes out to department leadership in August/September each year to name advanced doctoral students, who are entering their 4th year of study or beyond for the award. A total of 16 awards will be distributed by the School of Engineering, proportionally allocated among departments according to graduate student enrollment.
The Dean’s Office will formally notify the award recipients shortly thereafter.