These guidelines are intended to consider health and safety issues surrounding pets in the workplace. We recognize that having your pet in the workplace can create a positive environment for you, some of your colleagues and your pet; however please remember to be considerate of your neighbors in the workplace. Many people have allergies that are impacted simply by presence in the building. Allergic reactions can cause interruptions in their ability to work effectively. Others may have a fear or dislike of animals which must be respected at all times. Your rights and your pet’s rights end at your neighbor’s personal space. These guidelines do not apply to service animals.
- Pets are not permitted in labs, common areas or shared office spaces.
- Except when entering or exiting the building, your pet should be contained in your individual office at all times. Baby gates or other methods of containment may be used.
- Walking with your pet throughout the hallways should be limited to entering and exiting the building only.
- Your pet should be on a short enough leash that it cannot rush, attack, panic, nip at, or in some other way harm others. Pets should be well-behaved (not aggressive toward others).
- Princeton law says that dogs must be on leashes. New Jersey law mandates the leash must be no longer than 8 feet long, and the dog must be under your control at all times.
- Roaming throughout the building on or off a leash is not permitted.
- Please be sure to clean up after your pet.
- Department chairs / managers and center directors may find the need to revise these guidelines and/or prohibit pets in certain areas if circumstances within departments / centers arise (space constraints, employees with allergies, etc.).
- Please be considerate of your neighbors and your community!
Should you have any questions about these guidelines please contact your department chair or department/center manager.