The Princeton DeCenter examines the most important applications of blockchain, drives interdisciplinary research and education across applications and foundational blockchain technologies, and promotes the development and understanding of the policy, governance, and societal implications of this fast-growing field.

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  • A person (face not visible) wearing a white lab coat and blue disposable gloves holds a square lab plate in their left hand. Their right hand holds a pair of tweezers which they are using to pick up one of several small green plants on the plate.

    Since 2008, innovation funds have fostered research in AI fairness, sustainable agriculture, drug discovery and more

  • Professor giving a lecture

    ‘The time is now’ to get blockchain right

  • Portrait of Andrew Chignell

    What do philosophers have to say about blockchain?

  • Portrait of Nolan McCarty

    Developing new tech can require more than a technological view

  • Matt Weinberg and students in a classroom

    Building better algorithms to build better blockchains

  • Maria Apostolaki teaches before an auditorium of students.

    How secure is crypto? As secure as the internet


  • Maria Apostolaki

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Portrait of Andrea Goldsmith

    Andrea Goldsmith

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Sanjeev Kulkarni

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Operations Research and Financial Engineering

  • Prateek Mittal

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Andrés Monroy-Hernández

    Computer Science

  • Jaswinder Singh

    Computer Science

  • Pramod Viswanath

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Matt Weinberg

    Computer Science

  • David Wentzlaff

    Electrical and Computer Engineering