Travel funds

The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) has a limited number of travel grants (up to $500/grant) available for enrolled SEAS graduate students who are: presenting a technical paper or poster at a professional society conference; attending a conference for educational purposes; or traveling for a research-related activity.

Funds are currently available for travel taking place during July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. All requests for travel funds must adhere to Princeton Universities public health guidelines. Please check the website Travel Health & Safety for information and updates.

Graduate students are eligible for one travel grant per academic year, based on the availability of funding. All Requests for SEAS Travel Grants must be received at least two weeks in advance of the intended travel date, or it cannot be considered for funding. 

Faculty advisers are eligible to receive travel grant funding for up to two students per academic year, based on the availability of funding. Faculty advisers must provide a statement supporting the application, indicating the value of the travel towards the advisee’s overall degree progress, as well as the need for SEAS support.


To apply, please complete this online form and attach the faculty adviser’s statement of support.

SEAS vice dean will review submitted applications. If approved, the travel grant funds will be transferred to the graduate student’s home department, and expenses should be charged to the chartstring provided in the award notification.

Online Application Form


Princeton University
C232 Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 08544-5263
