The School of Engineering and Applied Science, in partnership with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), is committed to providing enhanced support to STEM-focused student organizations or “clubs” affiliated with the school. The aim is to ensure all clubs have the resources, technical assistance, and connections to key contacts across campus necessary to achieve their goals. Advisors, club leadership, and student participants should ensure they are familiar with the resources provided on this page.
Roles and Responsibilities
School of Engineering Space Use Guidelines
Each STEM-focused School of Engineering-affiliated student organization has been allocated space by the school for approved club activities.
- Use of any School of Engineering space is contingent upon availability and compliance with all applicable University, School of Engineering, and Environmental Health and Safety policies as well as any applicable codes and regulations.
- Examples of such policies, codes, and regulations are provided below:
- Clubs are expected to operate only within their assigned space or approved areas. Clubs are expected to limit storage of club-related items to their assigned space.
- Clubs must maintain appropriate security of their assigned space by controlling access. Doors to club spaces shall not be left unlocked or propped open.
Clubs are expected to ensure their space is maintained in good condition.- Any building issues should be reported to the Princeton University Facilities Organization or the School of Engineering.
- You may submit a Facilities work request and report building issues online, by phone (609-258-8000), or by email (
- Any building issues should be reported to the Princeton University Facilities Organization or the School of Engineering.
- Modification of buildings/infrastructure is prohibited without prior authorization.
- Permanent installations that require drilling into walls are an example of a building modification that requires authorization.
- Use of any outdoor space is prohibited without prior review and approval by the engineering school. This is inclusive of all outdoor areas located both on the main campus and on Forrestal campus. Proposed activities are reviewed by the engineering school, EHS, and other campus partners as necessary.
- As an example, use of the courtyard at E-Quad is an activity that requires review.
- Note: Air intake equipment for multiple wings of E-Quad is located at ground-level in the courtyard. As such, spray painting or other activities that generate fumes or particulates are not permitted in this area.
- School of Engineering-affiliated student organizations are expected to follow all guidelines as outlined by makerspaces, machine shops, and shared facilities across campus.
- This applies to the SEAS Machine Shop, the MAE Machine Shop, the SEAS Robotics Lab, and the Keller Center Makerspace located at E-Quad and is also inclusive of other makerspaces on campus such as Studio Lab and PUL Makerspace.
Meeting Schedule
Club presidents, sub-team leads, and assigned safety liaisons (student leaders) are required to attend regular meetings with the School of Engineering and Environmental Health and Safety.
Student Leader Orientation
Orientation is intended to provide student leaders with the tools and information needed to assist the club achieve their goals. Orientation also helps connect clubs with key contacts across campus including those in EHS and the Office of Risk Management. Orientation is held once annually, timed for when new student leaders are appointed each year.
Club Check-ins
Check-ins provide the opportunity to discuss planned club activities in detail every quarter. Staff of the School of Engineering and EHS meet regularly with student leaders to review these plans, providing technical guidance and resources as well as connecting leaders with campus partners as necessary.
Training Requirements
Student Leader Orientation
Attendance at orientation is mandatory for student leaders (club president/s, sub-team leads, safety liaisons). It includes the two parts related to lab safety:
- Lab saftey online modules
- In-person instructor-led training
Complete the online trainings and register for an in-person ILT session through the Employee Learning Center.
Machine Shop Training
Complete Online Machine Shop Safety Orientation online.
SEAS Machine Shop
Reach out to Ryan O’Donnell at for additional training for use of the SEAS Machine Shop.
MAE Machine Shop
Contact the MAE Machine Shop for additional training for use of this facility
Key Contacts
School of Engineering
Madison Hutchinson
Madison is a senior lab safety specialist at EHS and is embedded within the School of Engineering. Her primary role is to act as the point of contact for all things safety-related within the school. She is also one of the primary contacts for engineering student organizations.
Ryan O’Donnell
Ryan is a machinist in the engineering school Machine shop. His primary role is to create parts for faculty, staff, and research groups. He is a point of contact for student organizations.
Resources and Additional Information
Club members shall be aware of the proper reporting of emergencies (covered in Lab Safety Training) and shall review the Emergency Response Guidelines posted in all assigned School of Engineering spaces.
Incidents, Injuries, Near-Misses
Report any incidents, injuries, or near misses (events that could have resulted in an injury) to your club advisors and EHS immediately.
Complete the EHS Injury and Incident Reporting Form through the Service Portal.
SHIELD (Safety Health Inspection and Equipment Logistics Database)
Campus-wide health and safety management software for tracking club membership, training, safety surveys, and equipment
Details about SHIELD
- Club leaders are responsible for tracking all club members in SHIELD. Instructions for updating members are found on the EHS website.
- SHIELD also compiles training records for all club members.
- Club leaders access reports from Safety Surveys and address findings in SHIELD.
- Certain equipment is tracked by EHS through SHIELD.
- Examples of such equipment include fume hoods, lasers/laser-containing devices, and 3D printers.
- Please notify EHS if the club is planning the purchase of any tracked equipment or if the club owns any tracked equipment that is not listed in SHIELD.
Use the Service Portal to request items or assistance from EHS.
EHS Safety Supply Store
Order safety supplies, including waste containers, storage containers, safety labels, and more.
Waste Pick-up Request Form
Please reach out to EHS if you believe you will be generating any regulated waste requiring Pick-Up. All regulated waste that is generated must first be cleared by EHS.
Please use this form to request disposal of chemical waste or used (non-alkaline) batteries.
Lab and Equipment Clearance Request Form
Request EHS safety clearance of a lab or piece of equipment that is planned for surplus, disposal, or servicing.
Regulated or Hazardous Materials Shipping Request Form
Request shipment of research materials.
Additional links to information from EHS relevant to Student Organizations are provided below.
Certain purchases made by Student Organizations may require review from departments such as EHS, Risk Management, Export Controls, etc.
Typically, these reviews are conducted automatically during the standard purchasing process through Prime. However, plans for purchase of these items should be discussed during check-ins.
Examples of items that will typically require such review include:
- Hazardous materials/chemicals (including rocket motors)
- Equipment with special requirements, such as 3D Printers with specific ventilation requirements
- Lithium batteries