Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Database

This is an open-access database – intended for students from any institution – of 900+ paid summer research opportunities for undergraduates in STEM disciplines hosted by institutions across the US.

Undertaking research as an undergraduate student constitutes a strategic investment in your academic and professional development. For those considering graduate school, research experience is an essential component for admission into competitive Ph.D. programs in STEM fields. More broadly, it is a transformative opportunity that provides foundational skills, builds your professional network, and enhances long-term career prospects.

Instructions and Notes

Check Links Carefully

There may be occasional errors or outdated links. If you encounter outdated or incomplete links, search for the program name online to find its current details or website.

Verify Dates

REU programs may vary from year to year, so always verify the program dates, application process, and requirements on the program’s official website.

Maximize Your Search

Use institution or program names, or research area keywords to drill into your interests. Then check university websites and department pages linked to the program to discover more.

Contact for Assistance

If you encounter discrepancies or need further help, contact the program administrators listed as the REU contact.