Computer Science

Computer Science

Princeton has been at the forefront of computing since Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, and John von Neumann were among its residents. The department, now in a period of major growth, has strong groups in artificial intelligence and machine learning, theory, programming languages, graphics and vision, systems and networking, computer architecture, computational biology and neuroscience, security, privacy, and information technology policy.


‘AI Snake Oil’: A conversation with Princeton AI experts Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor

A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a whiteboard.

First chess, now power grids? AI helps harden energy systems.

Andlinger Center conference unpacks AI’s double-edged role in the clean energy transition

Small people connected by digital threads

More checks make AI fairer

A group of panelists sit behind a table as one man addresses the audience

Tech policy conference highlighted the need for talent across disciplines

image of breast tissue showing different colored cells

Tracking cell mutations, a new tool reveals how tumors evolve


Parastoo Abtahi

Ryan P. Adams

Andrew Appel

Sanjeev Arora

David August

Mark Braverman

Bernard Chazelle

Danqi Chen

Jia Deng

Adji Bousso Dieng

Robert Dondero Jr.

Zeev Dvir

Benjamin Eysenbach portrait

Benjamin Eysenbach

Adam Finkelstein

Robert Fish

Ruth Fong

Michael Freedman

Tom Griffiths

portrait of Aarti Gupta

Aarti Gupta

Elad Hazan

Felix Heide

Portrait of Peter Henderson

Peter Henderson

Kyle Jamieson

Alan Kaplan

Brian Kernighan

Zachary Kincaid

Gillat Kol

Aleksandra Korolova

Portrait of Pravesh Kothari

Pravesh Kothari

Amit Levy

Kai Li

Xiaoyan Li

Lydia Liu portrait

Lydia Liu

Wyatt Lloyd

Alex Lombardi portrait

Alex Lombardi

Portrait of Margaret Martonosi

Margaret Martonosi

Jonathan Mayer

Portrait of Mae Milano

Mae Milano

Andrés Monroy-Hernández

Christopher Moretti

Radhika Nagpal

Karthik Narasimhan

Arvind Narayanan

Ravi Netravali

Pedro Paredes

Iasonas Petras

Yuri Pritykin

Vikram Ramaswamy portrait

Vikram Ramaswamy

Ben Raphael portrait

Ben Raphael

Ran Raz

Jennifer Rexford

Szymon Rusinkiewicz

Olga Russakovsky

Sebastian Seung

Mona Singh

Jaswinder Singh

Robert Tarjan

Olga Troyanskaya

David Walker

Kevin Wayne portrait

Kevin Wayne

Matt Weinberg

Huacheng Yu

Ellen Zhong