The American Chemical Society has selected chemical engineering graduate student M. Barclay Satterfield to receive a Science Policy Fellowship. The highly selective fellowship sponsors an accomplished scientist or engineer to work as a staff member in the society’s Office of Legislative and Government Affairs.

Satterfield, who will complete her doctoral work on hydrogen-powered fuel cells this summer, was advised by chemical engineering professor Jay Benziger. In addition to her Ph.D., Satterfield has completed a Certificate in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Through this multidisciplinary academic program, Satterfield explored the role of politics and policy in addressing environmental problems.

“Barclay is an inquisitive student, with a desire to tackle the environmental problems of global warming in a practical engineering fashion,” Benziger said. “Her excellent technical background combined with her ability to make realistic policy choices will allow her to contribute to decisions that improve the environment while providing the energy that people demand.”

Throughout her time at Princeton, Satterfield has been an active member of the Greening Princeton student group, which works with the University administration to improve the environmental sustainability of practices on campus.

“My passion is the environment,” she said. “My time in Greening Princeton has been a really positive, productive and educational experience,” which will provide a strong background for policy work next year.

In addition to Satterfield, ecology and evolutionary biology doctoral candidate Alex Barron was awarded an ACS Congressional Fellowship to work in the personal office of a member of Congress, a congressional committee or a congressional support agency.

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