Computer graphics, digital signal processing, and robotics. For his independent work, Tralie developed a method to recognize and classify objects from LIDAR (an optical version of RADAR) data. He is starting with LIDAR scans of the city of Ottawa collected by Google.
“I decided to work with Professor Tom Funkhouser (computer science) after taking his computer graphics course. I had such an amazing experience in that class and was so enthralled with the material that I knew I had to pursue this area further. I attended SIGGRAPH, the premier computer graphics conference, as a student volunteer in Los Angeles, and I am taking a graduate course on computer graphics.”
“Mainly tutoring math; I have a passion for teaching and I hope to become a professor. I’ve been doing one-on-one tutoring through the residential colleges for three years, and recently was part of a start-up study hall tutoring program in the residential colleges. I’m also a BSE peer adviser.”