Student Profile: Kay Ousterhout
With research interests centering on computer systems and networking, Ousterhout has worked in the
research groups of two faculty members and pursued projects ranging from supporting a clean-slate Internet
architecture to implementing distributed multipath techniques for managing Internet traffic. After
Princeton, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science.
“I also am interested in visual arts. Drawing and painting courses have been among my
favorites at Princeton.”
Hertz Foundation Fellowship and an honorable mention in the Association of Computing Machinery’s
Undergraduate Researcher Award competition.
Ousterhout’s technical interests have been a common thread through her extracurricular
activities: tutoring in freshman math courses; working on the Web team at the Daily Princetonian student
paper; serving as a lab teaching assistant for introductory computer science courses; and building a website
and helping digitize the admission process for her eating club. Along with Jennifer King, she co-founded
Princeton Women in Computer Science, an organization dedicated to providing support and mentoring to women
interested in computer science.
“I have spent the three summers following my freshman, sophomore, and junior years as a
software engineering intern at Google. I spent my most recent summer in Google’s incredible Sydney
office, where I worked on Google Docs.”