Art of Science 2013 opening reception is May 10

The Princeton University Art of Science 2013 exhibit will open May 10 with a reception at 4:30 p.m. in the atrium of the Friend Center. The reception is free and open to the public. The entire Princeton community is invited to attend.

The exhibit consists of 43 images of artistic merit created during the course of scientific research. The works were chosen from 170 images submitted from 24 different departments across campus.

The top three entrants will be awarded cash prizes at the opening reception in amounts calculated by the golden ratio (whose proportions have since antiquity been considered to be aesthetically pleasing): first prize, $250; second prize, $154.51; and third prize, $95.49.

The prize winners are selected by a distinguished panel of judges: David Dobkin, Dean of the Faculty; Emmet Gowin, professor emeritus of Visual Arts; Paul Muldoon, professor of creative writing; Katherine Bussard, Peter C. Bunnell curator of photography at the Princeton Art Museum; and Shirley M. Tilghman, President.

The exhibit also will be displayed in an online gallery.

Art of Science 2013 is sponsored by the David A. Gardner ’69 Fund in the Council of the Humanities, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and the School of Engineering and Applied Science. It is co-sponsored by the Office of the Dean for Research, Lewis Center for the Arts, PICSciE, Keller Center, Office of the Vice President for Facilities, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, the Cooperative Institute for Climate Science, and the departments of Astrophysical Sciences, Computer Science, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Molecular Biology, Physics, and Psychology.

The organizers for Art of Science 2013 are Zach Donnell, Department of Molecular Biology; Adam Finkelstein, Department of Computer Science; Teresa Riordan, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Victoria Sanchez, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Andrew Zwicker, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Follow Princeton Art of Science on Facebook and Twitter.

Members of the media interested in publishing images from Art of Science should email artofsci (at)

Image credit: Jamie Barr and Cliff Brangwynne.

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