World Green Building Council appoints Harvey Bernstein *68 to advisory board
Harvey Bernstein, vice president of McGraw Hill Construction, Industry & Alliances, has joined the corporate advisory board of the World Green Building Council.
The World Council is a network of national councils representing more than 90 countries with a mission to strengthen and support existing councils and to foster new ones with a goal of increasing sustainability worldwide. In his role as board member, Bernstein will support the green building movement, provide insight on market trends and bolster the impact of the global network. He will draw upon experience gained at McGraw Hill Construction, where he leads market research and green building initiatives, and his former position as president and CEO of the Civil Engineering Research Foundation.
Bernstein holds a B.S. in civil engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, an MBA from Loyola College and earned an MSE in civil and geological engineering from Princeton in 1968. Bernstein stays connected to Princeton by serving on the Advisory Council for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In addition, he is a visiting professor at the University of Reading’s School of Construction Management and Engineering in England.