Class of 2022 award winners with Dean Andrea Goldsmith and Distinguished Teaching Award recipient Yiguang Ju. Photo by Frank Wojciechowski
Class Day schedule for Princeton Engineering, May 29
the Office of Engineering Communications
Princeton Engineering departments and the full engineering school will hold Class Day ceremonies on Monday, May 29. Welcome, families and friends, and congratulations to the Class of 2023!
Here is the schedule of events and locations:
Departmental award presentations, beginning at 2 p.m.
Chemical and Biological Engineering: Friend Center, Auditorium 101
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Friend Center, Convocation Room
Computer Science: Friend Center, Courtyard (tented area)
Electrical and Computer Engineering: Computer Science Building, Auditorium 104
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Engineering Quad, Plaza (tented area)
Operations Research and Financial Engineering: Frist Campus Center, South Lawn (tented area)
School of Engineering and Applied Science award presentations will be held in the Friend Center Courtyard beginning at 3 p.m.
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