Laura Forese M.D. ’83 among Top 25 COOs in Modern Healthcare 2017

Modern Healthcare magazine included Dr. Laura Forese in its Top 25 COOs in Healthcare 2017. The list reflects a diverse group of accomplished chief operating officers from a broad spectrum of healthcare organizations who have had a positive impact on their institutions. Forese is the executive vice president and COO of New York-Presbyterian, a position she has held since 2015.

Forese joined New York-Presbyterian, a comprehensive, integrated academic healthcare delivery system, in 2003 as vice president of medical affairs and has held a succession of leadership roles since then. In addition, she is an associate clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at Columbia University. Forese is also the chairperson of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Hospital Board, an elected charter trustee of Princeton University, and has served on the School of Engineering and Applied Science’s Leadership Council. Her undergraduate degree from Princeton received in 1983 is in civil engineering, and her M.D. and MPH are both from Columbia.

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