N.J. Society of Professional Engineers honors engineering student with scholarship

The New Jersey Professional Engineers in Construction recently presented the Sol Seid Award of Excellence Scholarship to Kira Schiavello, a rising senior majoring in civil and environmental engineering. The organization is a practice division of the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers.

Nominated by professors David Billington and Maria Garlock, Schiavello was chosen to receive the $10,000 award based upon her outstanding academic achievements and community involvement as well as her passion for engineering.

The incoming president of the Princeton student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Schiavello previously served as the chapter’s faculty liaison. She has been actively involved in the University community as a Residential College Advisor in Mathey College and a member of the engineering school’s E-Council.

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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fundamental insights into the built and natural environments, and interactions between the two