Antoine Kahn, the Stephen C. Macaleer ’63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science and professor of electrical engineering, is serving as vice dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science effective July 1.

Dean Emily A. Carter, who also assumed her current role July 1, appointed Kahn to succeed Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Jeremy Kasdin, who was vice dean from July 2014 to February of this year, and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering Lynn Loo, who had served as interim vice dean, from February to June.

“I am very pleased that Antoine has joined my leadership team. His wide-ranging administrative experience across Princeton, and his thoughtful and collegial approach to everything he takes on, will be immensely valuable as we embark on this next, transformative phase for the engineering school,” Carter said. “I also want to take this opportunity to thank Jeremy and Lynn for their hard and good work these past two years in the vice dean position.”

Kahn previously served as associate chair of electrical engineering (2014-16), master of Mathey College (2002-10) and associate dean of the faculty (1993-95). His research focuses on inorganic, organic and hybrid semiconductor materials for thin-film electronic devices, including solar cells and flexible electronics.

As vice dean, Kahn’s responsibilities include allocation of research resources, including start-up funds for new faculty; planning use of space and other facilities issues; and promotion of new initiatives and collaborations.

“I am very grateful to Emily for the opportunity to join the leadership of the engineering school at this very exciting time,” Kahn said. “The next few years are likely to be decisive for shaping the school’s future and insuring Princeton University leadership in engineering for decades to come, and I am very happy to be able to contribute to this evolution.”


  • Portrait of Antoine Kahn

    Antoine Kahn

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