Eric F. Wood, the Susan Dod Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is the recipient of the 2017 Robert E. Horton Medal from the American Geophysical Union. The medal is awarded annually by the Union in recognition of outstanding contributions to hydrology.

Wood’s research interest is hydroclimatology with an emphasis on the hydrologic impacts of climate change. His projects have used remote sensing and modeling to better understand the terrestrial water and energy budgets. Along with members of his Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group, Wood has developed hydrology models to observe drought in areas of the world that are not served by other systems. His team has worked with UNESCO and regional organizations to deploy flood and drought monitoring systems in Africa and South America.

Wood, who joined the Princeton faculty in 1976, is the recipient of many of the world’s top honors in hydrology besides the Horton Medal, including the European Geosciences Union’s John Dalton Medal, and the American Meteorological Society’s Jule Charney Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Among other honors, Wood is the recipient of the Alfred Wegener Medal from the European Geosciences Union and the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water.

Wood is scheduled to receive his award at the American Geophysical Union’s meeting in New Orleans on December 13.

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