
  • Jovan Aigbekaen holding a metal box containing air quality sensors used for his senior thesis research.

    Thesis work analyzed air quality on the move

  • Michael Soskind stands with drone

    Using drones and lasers, researchers pinpoint greenhouse gas leaks

  • Graphic with text "Commendation for Outstanding Teaching".

    Faculty commended for outstanding teaching

  • Prismatic graphic with words "Commendation for Outstanding Teaching"

    Faculty commended for outstanding teaching

  • Dancers in a net

    Funding the next big idea: New projects receive Dean for Research Innovation awards

  • Circular white tablet (left) and the same tablet divided into three regions of white, red and purple (right)

    Closing the terahertz gap: Tiny laser is an important step toward new sensors


  • Professor writes on white board while talking with grad student.

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Researchers, dressed in white suits, work in "clean room" lab under yellow light.

    Princeton Materials Institute

  • Map of bay with design flood protection measures.

    Metropolis Initiative