Princeton Engineering and Dean H. Vincent Poor are proud to recognize the following professors and graduate students for their outstanding teaching during the Fall 2007 semester.

Professors named to the list are those who received the highest scores on student evaluations for undergraduate and graduate courses. Graduate students on this list were nominated by their departments or course instructors for their dedicated efforts in the classes listed.

The teachers and the courses for which they were selected are:


Sanjeev Arora, COS 597D

Margaret Martonosi, ELE 475

Ravindra Bhatt, ELE 303

Daniel Nosenchuck, MAE 435

David Blei, COS 597C

Catherine Peters, CEE 571

Michael Celia, CEE 581

Paul Prucnal, ELE 203

Patrick Cheridito, ORF 535

Clarence Rowley, MAE 501

Erhan Cinlar, ORF 551

Szymon Rusinkiewicz, COS 597B

Alexandre d’Aspremont, ORF 569

Robert Schapire, COS 402

Pablo Debenedetti, CHE 503

Mansour Shayegan, ELE 441

Jason Fleischer, ELE 303

Ron Weiss, ELE 573

Niraj Jha, ELE 461

Yin (Julie) Young, CEE 205

Brain Kernighan, COS/EGR 109

Karl Zaininger, MAE/EGR 437

Sanjeev Kulkarni, ELE 201

Theodore Zoli, CEE 539

Chung (Ed) Law, MAE 531

Ed Zschau, ELE/ORF/EGR 491

Stephen Lyon, ELE 547B


Konstantinos Aisopos, ELE 375

Scott Sanborn, CEE 365

Emma Bassein, EGR 250-451

Justin Spaeth, CHE 341

Kimberley Bowman, EGR 250-451

Ashwin Subramani, CHE 442

Joseph Calandrino, COS 402

Daniel Swain, MAE 434

Aman Jain, ELE 201

Peter Verderame, CHE 442

Indraneel Mukherjee, COS 402

Kazutoshi Yamazaki, ORF 309

Lindsey Poole, COS 217

Yun Zhang, COS 402

Arun Raman, COS 217


  • Sanjeev Arora

  • Margaret Martonosi

  • Daniel Nosenchuck

  • Catherine Peters

    Catherine Peters

  • Michael Celia

  • Paul Prucnal

  • Clarence Rowley

  • Szymon Rusinkiewicz

  • Pablo Debenedetti

  • Niraj Jha

  • Brian Kernighan

  • Sanjeev Kulkarni

  • Chung Law

  • Stephen Lyon