Daniel Wong’s new book, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies, was recently released by publishers John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Covering theory and practical topics, this publication offers a survey of the major industry-relevant aspects of wireless communication engineering technologies. Amazon.com describes it as divided into four main sections: RF, antennas, and propagation; wireless access technologies; network and service architectures; and other topics, such as network management and security, policies and regulations and facilities infrastructure.
Wong has written other books and numerous papers on wireless communications and networking. He is president of Daniel Wireless LLC based in Silicon Valley, which provides consulting and training in the related wireless, networking and software fields. Wong also holds the position of adjunct associate professor at Malaysia University of Science and Technology in Selangor. His undergraduate degree earned in 1992 is from Princeton and his Ph.D. in 1998 is from Stanford University. Both are in electrical engineering.