The School of Engineering and Applied Science has given its annual Award for Excellence to 16 advanced graduate students who have performed at the highest level as scholars and researchers.

The six engineering departments nominated the recipients based on their achievements in courses, research and teaching.

“Vice Dean Antoine Kahn and I are delighted to honor these graduate students who have excelled in every dimension — classes, research, teaching and leadership — during their time at Princeton,” said Dean Andrea Goldsmith. “These scholars have greatly advanced knowledge in their fields and are poised to have an even greater positive impact as they move to the next stage of their careers. Their future success knows no bounds. I also congratulate their faculty advisers who have been dedicated mentors and advocates for their students, and hence have been instrumental in their success.”

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Dina Kussainova
Hansen Tjo

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Christine Blackshaw
Moriah Hughes

Computer Science

Jihoon Chung
Sayash Kapoor
Mona Wang
Mengzhou Xia

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Kaixuan Huang
Emir Karahan
Chengyu Wang
Wenhao Zhan

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Zhiyu Shi
Kit Sum (Katie) Wu

Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Jiawei Ge
Claire Zeng

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