Centers and Initiatives

  • Computer hardware connected by cables.

    AI at Princeton

  • Faculty member, seated at end of row of colleagues, leads panel discussion.

    Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

  • Center for Decentralization of Power Through Blockchain Technology (DeCenter)

  • Center for Information Technology Policy

  • Students and business leader speak at eLab event.

    Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education

  • Map of bay with design flood protection measures.

    Metropolis Initiative

  • Experimental technology setup with gold-plated devices, wires and a microscope.


  • Six people in lab looking toward camera.

    Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute

  • Researchers, dressed in white suits, work in "clean room" lab under yellow light.

    Princeton Materials Institute

  • close-up of laboratory equipment holding a square of synthetic diamond.

    Princeton Quantum Initiative

  • A small drone flies down a corridor while avoiding obstacles

    Princeton Robotics