Albert Garner ’77 joins AngloGold Ashanti board of directors
Albert Garner was appointed a non-executive director to the board for AngloGold Ashanti, a gold producing company headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. AngloGold has 20 gold mining operations in 10 countries, as well as exploration programs in both established and new gold producing regions worldwide.
The board will look to Garner to further development its financial and strategic capabilities. Garner has been at Lazard Frere & Co., LLC, a financial advisory and asset management firm, for 35 years. During that time span, he has gained experience in capital markets, corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions while holding various leadership positions, including leading the firm’s corporate finance practice. He has also served as a lead advisor to over 50 companies and their boards of directors. Currently, as a senior banker, Garner leads Lazard’s special committee practice and chairs its fairness opinion committee.
Garner holds a BSE in mechanical and aerospace engineering received from Princeton in 1977.