Princeton University has identified a potential site for the expansion of engineering and environmental studies on lands along the north side of Ivy Lane and Western Way, west of Fitzrandolph Road.

The new spaces for the expansion of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and for programs in environmental studies (including the Princeton Environmental Institute, the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and the Department of Geosciences) would be located between the football stadium and the current Engineering Quadrangle-Andlinger Center corner of campus. This area is currently occupied by parking lots and the Ferris Thompson faculty and staff apartments, which would ultimately be relocated. The plans are part of a broader University campus planning process.

“The proposed location would facilitate regular interchange between engineering and environmental studies and would provide each of these critical and expanding fields with the new and improved space they need,” said Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber. The location is near existing engineering spaces that will remain in place, and other departments (including other natural science departments and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) with which both engineering and environmental studies frequently interact.

“The University’s strategic planning process identified expansion of the undergraduate student body, engineering, and environmental studies as major priorities for Princeton,” Eisgruber said. “After extensive assessments and consultations with multiple constituencies, we believe our planners have identified promising locations for the facilities necessary to implement these priorities while also preserving sites and options that are essential to sustain the quality of the University’s many ongoing activities and future projects.

“We have more work to do and more consultations to conduct before making final decisions, and we welcome comments from members of our campus, town, and alumni communities as we continue to refine our planning,” Eisgruber said.

Map of new campus neighborhood