
  • Five race cars on a track.

    Data drives quicker, safer decisions for race cars and robots

  • Interviewer leans over to speak with two students seated at table.

    AI4All summer program featured on NBC Today show

  • students work on trucks as professor leans in for a closer view

    Robot trucks drive students to solve real problems in modern robotics

  • Robot and man face each other

    To guarantee safety, these robots dance the bolero

  • Matrix of fluorescent particles with pores that open and close

    Artificial leaves, floating breakwaters and musical memories are among recipients of 2021 innovation grants


  • Professor writes on white board while talking with grad student.

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Center for Information Technology Policy

  • Computer hardware connected by cables.

    AI at Princeton

  • Map of bay with design flood protection measures.

    Metropolis Initiative

  • A small drone flies down a corridor while avoiding obstacles

    Princeton Robotics