
  • Microscope image of tin crystals, showing protruding, jagged, smooth, and stunted 3-dimensional features.

    Researchers harness large language models to accelerate materials discovery

  • Two women hold an award plaque at the ceremony

    Engineering students recognize exceptional teachers and mentors

  • Graphic with text "Commendation for Outstanding Teaching".

    Faculty commended for outstanding teaching

  • Microscope image of tin crystals, showing protruding, jagged, smooth, and stunted 3-dimensional features.

    Researchers harness large language models to accelerate materials discovery

  • A palm-sized octopus figurine made of hydrogel

    Reusable and recyclable, this new hydrogel squishes the old version’s environmental impact

  • A network of intricate fibers forms a structure with a bubble at its center.

    Researchers built a physical model to probe the creative destruction inside cells


  • Student uses drill press while others observe.

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Researchers, dressed in white suits, work in "clean room" lab under yellow light.

    Princeton Materials Institute

  • Princeton campus and Guyot Hall

    High Meadows Environmental Institute

  • Faculty member, seated at end of row of colleagues, leads panel discussion.

    Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

  • Professor writes on white board while talking with grad student.

    Electrical and Computer Engineering