Graphic with text "Commendation for Outstanding Teaching".

Faculty commended for outstanding teaching

Dean Andrea Goldsmith and Vice Dean Antoine Kahn are proud to recognize the following faculty for their outstanding teaching during the fall 2023 semester, as determined by overall course ratings by students.

Andlinger Center

Kelsey Hatzell

ENE 419

Ryan Kingsbury

ENE 504

Claire White

ENE 506

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Sujit Datta

CBE 430

Jerelle Joseph

CBE 422

Celeste Nelson

CBE 341

Michael Webb

CBE 512

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Branko Glisic

CEE 538

Michael Hopper

CEE 366

Reed Maxwell

CEE 586

Glaucio Paulino

CEE 545

Gabriele Villarini

CEE 599B

Mark Zondlo

CEE 510

Computer Science

Robert Dondero

COS 333

Benjamin Eysenbach

COS 597R

Tom Griffiths

COS 597B

Aarti Gupta

COS 516

Gillat Kol

COS 487

Edo Liberty

COS 597A

David Walker

COS 333

Huacheng Yu

COS 521

Ellen Zhong

COS 597N

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Maria Apostolaki

ECE 539B

Minjie Chen

ECE 581

Jason Fleischer

ECE 554

Tian-Ming Fu

ECE 552

Paul Prucnal

ECE 558

Hossein Valavi

ECE 115

Pramod Viswanath

ECE 470

David Wentzlaff

ECE 585

Keller Center

Denise Crossan

EGR 250, EGR 350

Majora Carter

EGR 361

Shahram Hejazi

EGR 395

Jessica Leung

EGR 250, EGR 350

Derek Lidow

EGR 250, EGR 251, EGR 350

Michael Littman

EGR 250, EGR 251, EGR 350

Denny Strigl

EGR 494

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Craig Arnold

MAE 324

Jesse Jenkins

MAE 573

Andrej Kosmrlj

MAE 503, MAE 597

Anirudha Majumdar

MAE 549

Michael Mueller

MAE 535

Glenn Northey

MAE 321

Aditya Sood

MAE 568


Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Amir Ali Ahmadi

ORF 363

Jianqing Fan

ORF 570

Jason Klusowski

ORF 405

Michael Sotiropoulos

ORF 531


Princeton Materials Institute

Marcella Lusardi

MSE 501

Related Faculty

Kelsey Hatzell

Ryan Kingsbury portrait

Ryan Kingsbury

Claire White

Sujit Datta

Jerelle Joseph

Celeste Nelson

Michael A. Webb

Portrait of Branko Glisic

Branko Glišić

Portrait of Reed Maxwell

Reed Maxwell

Glaucio Paulino

Gabriele Villarini

Mark Zondlo

Robert Dondero Jr.

Tom Griffiths

portrait of Aarti Gupta

Aarti Gupta

David Walker

Huacheng Yu

Ellen Zhong

Maria Apostolaki

Jason Fleischer

Minjie Chen

Tian-Ming Fu

Pramod Viswanath

Paul Prucnal

David Wentzlaff

Shahram Hejazi

Shahram Hejazi

Derek Lidow

Derek Lidow

Michael Littman

Dennis Strigl

Craig Arnold

Jesse Jenkins

Andrej Kosmrlj

Anirudha Majumdar

Michael Mueller

Aditya Sood portrait

Aditya Sood

Amir Ali Ahmadi

Jianqing Fan

Jason Klusowski

Marcella Lusardi

Related Departments

Professor and student work together in lab setting.

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Advancing human health, energy, materials science, and industrial processes

Three students look closely at a model of an architectural structure.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fundamental insights into the built and natural environments, and interactions between the two

Computer Science

Computer Science

Leading the field through foundational theory, applications, and societal impact

Professor writes on white board while talking with grad student.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Improving human health, energy systems, computing and communications, and security

Student uses drill press while others observe.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Solving problems in energy, combustion, fluids, lasers, materials science, robotics and control systems, and nuclear security

Sherrerd Hall

Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Developing mathematical and computational tools for making decisions under uncertainty