
  • A person (face not visible) wearing a white lab coat and blue disposable gloves holds a square lab plate in their left hand. Their right hand holds a pair of tweezers which they are using to pick up one of several small green plants on the plate.

    Since 2008, innovation funds have fostered research in AI fairness, sustainable agriculture, drug discovery and more

  • Graphic with text "Commendation for Outstanding Teaching".

    Faculty commended for outstanding teaching

  • A group of six researchers sits around a table and discusses molecular models, which are visible on a screen behind them and in physical form on the table.

    Simulations reveal workings of droplets that underlie life’s functions

  • Jose Avalos, Chris Gonzalez, Tess Kichuk in wearing lab coats looking at Petri dish in lab

    New bioengineering Ph.D. program harnesses ‘uniquely collaborative’ community

  • Three people in a room with industrial equipment. Two are looking up at machines in front of them; the other is looking at the people next to him and smiling.

    Formerly incarcerated students dive into engineering research

  • Group of researchers gathered around computer screen in a lab.

    At new institute, quest for better lives starts with curiosity


  • Professor and student work together in lab setting.

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

  • Bioengineering Initiative

  • Six people in lab looking toward camera.

    Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute