David August, associate professor of computer science, and, separately, Niraj Jha and Li-Shiuan Peh, faculty members in electrical engineering, were recognized by IEEE Micro for papers that were among the “most relevant to industry and significant in contribution to the field of computer architecture” in 2007.

Robert Calderbank, p professor of electrical engineering and mathematics, and Richard Register, professor of chemical engineering, received 2008 Graduate Mentoring Awards from the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.

Mung Chiang, assistant professor of electrical engineering, has been selected as a participant in the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering, an annual three-day event that brings together one hundred of the nation’s outstanding young engineers, ages 30 to 45, to discuss pioneering research in various engineering fields and industry sectors.

Jianqing Fan, the Frederick L. Moore Class of 1918, Professor in Finance and professor of operations research and financial engineering, received the Morningside Gold Medal of Applied Mathematics at the Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians.

Edward Felten, professor of computer science, was named a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Alain Kornhauser *71, professor of operations research and financial engineering, won the 2007 Francis C. Turner Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was also appointed to the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology.

Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was elected to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Lynn Loo *01, associate professor of chemical engineering, has been awarded a 2008 Sloan Research Fellowship, a highly competitive two-year fellowship, which provides $45,000 in research support.

H. Vincent Poor *77, dean of engineering and the Michael Henry Strater University Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Simon Pun, postdoctoral research fellow, received the Best Paper Award at the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications held this past May in Beijing.

Alexander Smits, chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, was named chair of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics.

James Sturm ’79, the William and Edna Macaleer Professor of Engineering and Applied Science and director of the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, was elected to the N.J. High Tech Hall of Fame.

Sergio Verd√∫, professor of electrical engineering, won the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal for “fundamental contributions to information theory and the development of multiuser detection.”

David Walker, assistant professor of computer science, and co-authors received the Association of Computing Machinery award for the most influential paper over the last 10 years from the


  • David Walker

  • James Sturm

  • H. Vincent Poor

  • Alain Kornhauser

  • Jianqing Fan

  • David August

  • Richard A. Register

  • Niraj Jha

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