James Sturm

Stephen R. Forrest Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Website: https://ece.princeton.edu/people/james-sturm

Office: Bowen Hall, 320

Phone: 609-258-5610

Research interests: Physics and technology of semiconductor devices for both microelectronics and large-area electronics; silicon-based heterostructures and three-dimensional integration; organic semiconductors; flat panel and flexible displays


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  • Phased array

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  • Award recipients

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  • Professor writes on white board while talking with grad student.

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Faculty member, seated at end of row of colleagues, leads panel discussion.

    Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

  • Researchers, dressed in white suits, work in "clean room" lab under yellow light.

    Princeton Materials Institute