Princeton professor Jennifer Rexford ’91 joins AlterPoint’s technical advisory board

Jennifer Rexford, a Princeton alumna and professor of computer science, has joined the technical advisory board at AlterPoint, a company that develops advanced network governance solutions.

In her capacity as a board member, Rexford will contribute to provide strategic guidance and advice on technology adoption for this company that serves some of the world’s most sophisticated networks.

Rexford graduated with highest honors from Princeton with a B.S.E. in electrical engineering. She received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1996.

From 1996-2004, she was a member of the network management and performance department at AT&T Labs-Research.

Rexford joined the network systems group of the computer science Department at Princeton in 2005. She is also affiliated with the Center for Information Technology Policy and the Department of Electrical Engineering. Her current research focuses on Internet routing and network-wide control and management, with the overall intent of making data networks easier to design, understand and manage. She also studies Internet policy issues.

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