Interim Dean H. Vincent Poor and Vice Dean Antoine Kahn are proud to recognize the following faculty for their outstanding teaching during the spring 2019 semester, as determined by overall course ratings by students.
As humanity becomes more urbanized, maintaining health and happiness in crowded environments becomes critical. Clean air, clean water, and efficient transit systems are essential parts of the solution.
Air quality policy
Princeton researchers analyze model results on strategies to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions around the world. They evaluate the co-benefits of emission reductions for human health, food security, solar electricity generation, and climate change in order to inform productive, far-sighted environmental policies.
Atmospheric chemistry and composition
Mobile sensors attached to airplanes or vehicles, combined with sophisticated modeling, allow researchers to identify the emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, thereby helping to improve air quality and the climatic foot- prints of urban and global environments.
Laser-based systems for chemical sensing
Princeton researchers are developing techniques to detect chemical threats to urban environments using sophisticated lasers and sensing systems that offer fast, compact, highly sensi- tive, and selective detection of airborne molecules.