Princeton Engineering and Dean H. Vincent Poor are proud to recognize the following professors and graduate students for their outstanding teaching during the Spring 2007 semester.

Professors named to the list are those who received the highest scores on student evaluations for undergraduate and graduate courses. Graduate students on this list were nominated by their departments or course instructors for their dedicated efforts in the classes listed.

The teachers and the courses for which they were selected are:


David Billington, CEE 540

Michael Littman, MAE 433

David Blei, COS 424

Stephen Lyon, ELE 396

Garry Brown, MAE 552

John Mulvey, ORF 479

Robert Calderbank, ELE 539B

Li-Shiuan Peh, ELE 580

Michael Celia, CEE 525

Clancy Rowley, MAE 433

Moses Charikar, COS 594

Szymon Rusinkiewicz, COS 598C

Mung Chiang, ELE 539A

Robert Schapire, COS 424

Erhan Çinlar, ORF 554

George Scherer, CEE 105

Pablo Debenedetti, CHE 246

Ronnie Sircar, ORF 335

Maria Garlock, CEE 366 & 540

Alexander Smits, MAE 222

Brian Kernighan, COS 333

Theodore Zoli, CEE 462 & 512

Alain Kornhauser, ORF 374

Ed Zschau, ELE/ORF/EGR 491&591


Najwa Aaraj, ELE 386

Siu Tang Leung, ORF 335

Forrest Bradbury, EGR 194

Thomas Lombardo, CHE 246

Eric Cady, EGR 194

Yue Niu, ORF 505 & 515

David Champagne, ELE 386

Bryan Patel, EGR 194

Jonathan Davis, CHE 346

Robert Scogna, CHE 346

Powell Draper, CEE 462

Emanuel Stockman, MAE 332

Andrew Ferguson, CHE 246

John Suarez, ELE 208

Milos Ilak, MAE 332

Kazutoshi Yamazaki, ORF 335

Clifford Lam, ORF 245